The Death of the Doctor
Peter Capaldi. You know the scene in World War Z where the plane has just crashed and Brad Pitt is lying on the gurney, twisting his head around and this guy asks him, “why do you keep looking at him?” and Brad says, “cuz he’s the one in charge.”? Yeah, him.
Now HE is the guy in charge. Of the TARDIS. And all SPACE and TIME! (yeah, science) And instead of coming up with ways of taking down hordes of Zombies, he’ll be coming up with ways to take down hordes of Daleks (do Daleks come in hordes?) and instead of Brad Pitt, it will be some uppity, easy on the eye Companion who will follow him around through time and space and get him into all sorts of trouble, so yeah, maybe Brad Pitt.
Ladies and Cybermen. The 12th Doctor. Peter Capaldi.
At 55, whilst obviously no spring chicken, he certainly brings the mischievous vigor and other-world-liness that is synonymous with the franchise; the hair alone has me wondering if visitors walk among us. That and many would argue that Glasgow is another world. Yes, that’s right ladies and gentlemen, we have another Scot in our midst and since it went so famously last time, I am inclined to give this one the benefit of the doubt.
Rumours of the 12th Doctor set the universe ablaze. Conjecture that we could see our first black Doctor (hell, there’s a black President!) more again called for our first female Doctor (get outta town!) and then there was the obscure reference that since Time Lords could only regenerate 12 times (13 incarnations) we could very well see the return of an old favourite.
But most agreed that whoever it was, was going to be a relative unknown, much like Smith before them. And when Peter Capaldi was announced, I’m sure I wasn’t the only person to cock my head and ask, Who? (come on – I get one Doctor Who gag!)
So what can we expect from this plucky Glasgowian. Glasgowinite? Glasgowerer?
If his role as Malcolm Tucker is anything to go by, we’re going to see a f&@#!&# Doctor (he swears a lot) who won’t take no guff, from nobody (what, me speak good and everything). It was this alpha quality, which Tennant personified so well, and something that Smith fumbled with. Maybe it’s a Scottish thing. I started to ask why but then you’ve all seen Braveheart, work it out. One thing’s for sure, there will be no doubt as to who’ll be wearing the kilt in the Doctor/Companion dynamic.
He’s an Oscar winner! But don’t get too excited – it was for directing a short film, but hey, do you have an Oscar? I certainly don’t…yet.
Capaldi’s already appeared in Doctor Who, with David Tennant as the Doctor and Catherine Tate his companion in, “The Fires of Pompei.” He’s also appeared in the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood, so looking at it like that, there wasn’t really any roles left for him, casting wise.
In World War Z, he is actually credited as, “World Health Organization Doctor” That’s right. W.H.O Doctor! Go on look it up – I’ll wait. See! What did I tell ya. Come on people. It was right there.
As one story begins, another must end. I must admit I’m already feeling the familiar pangs of grief that accompany seeing an old friend go. Even though I’m a Tennant man, (wait, what?) Matt Smith, I dip my fez to you, kind sir and be comforted in the knowledge that bowties are cool. They are.
Dry your tears my friends, because before we say goodbye to anyone we are in for such a treat as we mark the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who and see David Tennant and John, ‘the ole Storyteller himself’, Hurt, send the 11th Doctor off in spectacular style.
So stay tuned for the Christmas special and help celebrate the death…and re-birth of the 12th Doctor (and some little dude called Jesus who also died and was resurrect-…oh, I get it!)
Peter Capaldi. That’s Who.
(Yeah, that’s right, I went there.)
(Oh and its Glaswegian.)
(Oh and a group of Daleks is called a, ‘Destruction of Daleks.’ Huh.)